Narrative Analytics Explained
Fortune 500 organizations leverage the power of Narratives to achieve their business goals.
Narratives Matter
Narratives are the underlying beliefs and attitudes that drive human behavior. They guide who we vote for, what products we are loyal to, and where we stand on controversial issues…..and they can be used to your advantage.
How Narrative Analytics Works

Why it’s Different
Narrative Analytics goes beyond the limitations of other methods to uncover a data-driven view of people’s beliefs around a topic and the drivers behind them.
True Insight Into Buyer
Motivations at Scale
Narrative Analytics surfaces articulated, deep beliefs, as opposed to surface level positive and negative sentiment media monitoring might show.
You See
The Full Picture
Narrative Analytics happens on a massive scale, powered by AI so you get the full picture.
You See
The Drivers
Identify what and who is driving a belief — who are the influencers, what is causing it to change, and how is it shifting over time.
It’s Unprompted
The data comes from what’s on social media, comment fields, blogs, articles, and traditional media, rather than requiring a survey or focus group to find answers.
It’s Actionable
Use data to determine what will resonate best with an audience. Determine specific words and language that can be used to drive behavior.
It Helps you Find
the White Space
Surface voices that aren’t understood and may be under-represented but are important; finding the white space so you can take advantage.
Real Measurement
Of Narrative Change
Clearly measure the impact of strategy and communications efforts on the Narrative Landscape in a quantifiable way.
with Events
Correlate beliefs with exogenous events to understand what happens when beliefs are increasing or decreasing (elections, sales, etc.).
Associations Between
Issues and Brands
Understand associations that are implicit or explicit between issues and a brand — we can tell you what brands are connected with what issues.
Temporal View
Narrative Analytics studies a minimum of a 12 month time period which provides the ability to analyze the drivers and dynamics of a discourse vs. just a snapshot in time like other methods and when understood can show the levers organizations might use.
Ongoing monitoring with Narrative Analytics can be more economical than ongoing surveys or focus groups, which is key as for most brands, the ground is constantly shifting underneath them.
The Protagonist Platform
Protagonist offers a full suite of services so you can harness the power of Narrative Analytics

Narrative Analysis
& Strategy
Our core offering breaks down your business priority into a manageable set of beliefs that can be measured with data, analyzed to reveal insight, and shaped for competitive advantage. We then organize the battle plan, revealing where to play and how to win.

Communication Strategies
We offer critical services for Communications teams, from Communications Audits to understand the performance of your messaging and your competitors, to Communications Playbooks that provide data-driven guidance on what to say, where to say it, and which influencers to engage.

Monitoring & Optimization
We regularly monitor the constantly shifting Narrative Landscape to: 1) evaluate the performance of your efforts and 2) ensure your strategies align with the opportunities the current landscape presents to 3) advise you how to leverage the Narratives in your favor.