Non-Profit and Foundation Overview
Advocacy groups and idea-driven endowments are chartered to exert influence in critical, often emotionally charged social conversations. To understand the narrative landscape their ideas inhabit, to attach programs to deep narrative structures and to quantify results is essential, especially in a highly polarized environment.

Key Industry
Pain Points

Understand the full range of narratives in play
Everyone can demonstrate functionality. But selling the value of a solution is another story. Typically, communications experts turn to colleagues, friends in the industry, and/or analyst reports to figure out what best fits their needs. But feedback based on hearsay can be scattered and misguided.

Influence deeply held beliefs about hot-button issues with empathy
Advancing your cause, mission, or initiatives with the help of Narrative Analytics makes it easier to understand your target audience and what drives their actions. Use deeply rooted beliefs to drive actions to better align with your goals.

Communications teams want to know how effective their campaigns are. But, with so many different channels, which will be more effective? Will email deliver more value than social media? SEO or paid search? A place to start is knowing how people interact with your mission.
Solutions for Non-Profits

Energize Your Mission
When an organization needs to establish the value of its mission in the public consciousness, Narrative Analytics identifies which narratives resonate most deeply. Connect with and build on citizens’ positive attitudes and aspirations. Help advocates align with the narratives to further success.
Win a Narrative Battle
When debate about critical issues like climate change becomes polarized, Narrative Analytics reveals the white space in the conversation. Uncover unexpected opportunities to drive positive consensus.

Activate Your Target Audience
Protagonist shows where to engage and how to connect with people whose deeply held beliefs match your mission. These insights drive empathy-lead campaigns that inspire donations, action, and greater engagement.

It's Time for the Deep Dive
The Narrative Analytics Difference:
How to Achieve Success in a Post-fact World