One of the most important goals for any marketer–or any company for that matter–is to understand customer needs well. Through…

Recently, the news media has highlighted how the upcoming holiday shopping season will be impacted by the pandemic’s disruption of…

It’s Back to Campus time and many college students are returning to campus after a long pandemic absence. With the…

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You’ve probably heard of Machine Learning (ML), and may be familiar with the idea that ML is a way for…

As a leading player in using market insights to predict consumer behavior, Nielsen was interested in how consumer perceptions differed…

Small Businesses is one of the audience segments we monitor with our Content Optimization Solution, which is designed to help…

One of the many interesting ways we use Narrative Analytics is to reveal Policymaker Insights — in this newsletter we focus…

An iconic motorcycle takes its leather-clad rider into the sunset down the open road.

An iconic motorcycle takes its leather-clad rider into the sunset down the open road.

The stereotype of millennials as the selfie-taking, avocado toast-eating, living out of their parents’ basement generation, probably doesn’t lend well to them being a large and powerful segment of investors.

Here at Protagonist, like everyone else we’re waiting impatiently for next year’s release of the final season…